What is a Golf Putter Grip?
If you a relatively new golfer, you may have heard about how strong drives, coupled with just the right swing speed can make or break your game. What you probably haven't been told yet is that the short game can make or break your golf. It has been said that a game of golf consists of 40% putting; that is why putting accuracy is such an important skill to master. There are three types of putters you should be acquainted with, the long putter, the conventional putter and the belly putter (putters are identified not by their heads but by the putter shaft). However, the advantages that technology has given in wielding these putters are useless without the appropriate conventional golf putter grip, long or belly putter grips. To help you conquer the difficult task of being able to putt precisely is a putting grip. Although the correct grip can be achieved without a putting grip, golf putter grips can help a golfer improve a bad grip because they improve your grip by helping your thu...