Las Vegas Marriage License

Marriage License Requirements
Las Vegas, Nevada
Marriage licenses in Nevada require no blood test or waiting period, and no appointment is necessary. You must obtain your marriage license from the Courthouse at 201 Clark Ave., Las Vegas. Both parties must appear in person with proof of identity (photo ID). The fee will be $77.00 (cash only). Marriage license issued immediately. You may obtain a license up to one year prior to your wedding.
Marriage License Requirements:
Requirements for U.S. citizens and Non U.S. citizens are the same. It is suggested that Non U.S. citizens check with your local officials for special documents that may be needed to ensure that your marriage will be recognized in your country. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age, and not nearer of kin than second cousins or cousins of half blood, and not having a husband or wife living. Applicants may be required to prove their age. Those not having acceptable identification to prove age may be refused a marriage license. (Faxed copies, damaged identification, privately issued ID, check cashing cards or photocopies of identification are unacceptable.) Social Security Numbers are required on marriage licenses. Please know your Social Security Number. Those without knowledge of their Social Security Number may be refused a marriage license. It is recognized that Non U.S. citizens will not have a Social Security Number.
Allowed Identification
Driver’s License or any picture ID
Foreign Birth Certificate must be translated into English and notarized
Military Identification
Resident alien card
Minimum Age
Age 18, proof of age may be required. A birth certificate, passport or draft card is acceptable. Persons between the ages of 16 and 18 may be married with the consent of a parent or guardian. Proof of age is necessary and proof of identity of person or persons giving consent may also be required. A legal guardian must provide proof of appointment by the court. If a parent or guardian is not present, a notarized affidavit stating name, age, place of birth and relationship of person(s) giving consent. For persons under the age of 16, a Nevada Court Order must be obtained.
Divorce papers are not required for a remarriage in Nevada. You will be required to sign on your marriage license application that you are legally divorced. A divorce granted in another state must be final in the state in which it was granted. If you are divorced, it must be final. You must know the month, year, city and state in which the divorce was final.
There must be at least one additional witness other than the person performing the ceremony.
Courthouse Information
Hours: Monday-Sunday: 8:00AM to Midnight
Location: 201 Clark Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89155
Phones: (702)-671-0600
License Fee: $77.00 (cash only). License issued immediately.
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