What is a Golf Putter Grip?

If you a relatively new golfer, you may have heard about how strong drives, coupled with just the right swing speed can make or break your game. What you probably haven't been told yet is that the short game can make or break your golf. It has been said that a game of golf consists of 40% putting; that is why putting accuracy is such an important skill to master. There are three types of putters you should be acquainted with, the long putter, the conventional putter and the belly putter (putters are identified not by their heads but by the putter shaft). However, the advantages that technology has given in wielding these putters are useless without the appropriate conventional golf putter grip, long or belly putter grips.
To help you conquer the difficult task of being able to putt precisely is a putting grip. Although the correct grip can be achieved without a putting grip, golf putter grips can help a golfer improve a bad grip because they improve your grip by helping your thumbs positioning on each side instead of the natural grip wherein one thumb is over the other.
Your grip is the only connection between you and the club. Proper positioning assists in controlling the clubface during impact. Swinging the putter creates power, but it is the wrist action that creates a combination of power and accuracy. One of the most common dilemmas among greenhorn golfers is a weak lead hand and too much grip pressure. Instead of following the target line and into the hole, what happens is that you are pushing the ball so it does not go in the direction you probably hoped it would.
If your wondering whether a putter is affected by the club shaft make and flex like other golf clubs, then the answer is no. The flexibility or stiffness does not affect your putting skills, but some golfers who are very sensitive may feel a little less confident when they detect too much flex. In this case and you're still concerned then think about putting Aldila shafts on your golf putter.
Putter grips are usually larger than those of regular clubs to promote a lighter grip pressure. There are a number of well-known brands that cater specifically to providing golfers with just the right grip.
There are Odyssey putter grips who are famous for their slip-resistant surfaces that aim to provide a tension-free stroke. This will lead to more consistent putts. Ping, one of the most popular brand give you a variety of Ping putter grip options upon purchasing a golf putter.
Scotty Cameron putter grips stand out with its bright orange color to complement their Newport detour putters. Additionally, Cameron putter grips are durable and cushiony. For junior golfers who love a little flare, a choice between Winn putter grips and Golf Pride putter grips is a good idea. Both companies offer versatility and function.
Never compromise golf putter grips, try and find one that golfers rate highly. Before worrying about the grip, acquaint your self with the two types of putters according to their club head. One is the blade putter and the other a mallet putter. Lastly, to learn how to have a good grip and putting technique use the practice green.


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