
Showing posts from March, 2020

Plastic Microbeads: Ban The Bead!

Microplastics may be small, but they’re causing big problems for our environment and our health. These tiny pieces of plastic used in personal care products are designed to go down the drain and into our lakes, rivers, and oceans — by the billions every day. They absorb toxins in the water, are eaten by marine life and can make their way up the food chain all the way to our dinner plates. We knew it wasn’t enough to simply avoid certain products – we didn’t want them to be sold at all. That’s why the Story of Stuff Project waged a major campaign to ban microbeads in California and then the whole United States in 2015 – and won! Thanks to our Community members flexing their citizen muscles, by 2017 it will be illegal to sell a personal care product containing plastic microbeads – a huge victory for our waterways and public health. This policy provides a precedent-setting model for the rest of the world to replicate and is an important stepping stone to tackling plastic pollution ...

35 Plantas medicinales chilenas para uso externo

Es interesante tener aproximadamente 103 plantas medicinales en Chile que estén validadas científicamente. Es una realidad materializada mediante la Resolución Nº 548 exenta de 27 de julio de 2009 (publicada en el Diario Oficial del 08.09.09) Del total de plantas, alrededor de 35  tienen propiedades en la piel, como cicatrizantes, anti-infecciosas, quemaduras etc. Puedes usar la infusión en las preparaciones cosméticas o capilares que realices. La infusión que prepares debes remplazarla en parte por el agua que uses, o en su totalidad, remplazar el agua por la infusión de la planta. Es necesario que conozcan bien que es lo que necesitas tratar. Para poder usarlas, en ningún caso debes remplazar los medicamentos indicados por el médico. Estas plantas van a ser de  gran ayuda en nuestras preparaciones para dismunuir las afecciones o daños de la piel Propiedades en la piel de las Plantas medicinales chilenas ABEDUL( betula pendula) Se utiliza las hojas y corteza ...


アラミガンリボンが釣れる場所 場所はこちら。 ギラバニア山岳地帯「アームズ・オブ・ミード」 最寄エーテライトはアラギリ。 フライングでしか行けない場所です アラミガンリボンが釣れる条件、エサなど エサはサスペンドミノーを用意。赤貨50で交換できるルアー。 各3都市、ラールガーズリーチのスクラップ取引窓口で交換しよう。 天候/時間ともに指定なし。どちらも指定なしなので「簡単に釣れそう」と思うかもしれませんがワナです。 ギラバニア山岳地帯の天候が快晴/晴れだと全く釣れません 。 理由は、快晴/晴れ限定のときに釣れる魚「イースタンパイク」がいるから。 これを知らずに釣ると、すごく時間がかかってしまいます。 ここがポイント! 上記の理由でアラミガンリボンを釣るときは「 快晴/晴れ以外 」のときを狙おう! アラミガンリボンは選別もすごく簡単です。 サスペンドミノー時では、 振動1回はアラミガンリボンのみ 。プレシジョンで釣り上げられます。 ほかは全て振動2回なので、スルーすることで効率がグッとup。 スルーする場合、ルアーであるサスペンドミノーがロストする可能性が高くなるので注意を。少し多い目にルアーを持っていくといいです。 釣ってみた 選別のおかげでGPに余裕ができます。蒐集価値が高いのを釣らないと意味がないので、ペーシェンスは必ず使いたいところ。 ET8時間で蒐集価値41以上のアラミガンリボンが8匹も釣れました!快晴のときはET16時間ぐらいで1匹だけ。 快晴/晴れ時でも釣れますが、断然それ以外の天候のときを狙おう。ではでは!

Coronavirus Cases Top 1,000 in U.S.; Italy Shutdown Expands

Coronavirus Cases Top 1,000 in U.S.; Italy Shutdown Expands 01:28 Latest Update on Coronavirus, Now a Pandemic Meteorologist Danielle Banks has the latest update on the deadly coronavirus outbreak. At a Glance COVID-19 is a global pandemic, the World Health Organization announced Wednesday. Italy closed all stores except pharmacies and food markets. U.S. cases hit 1,000, and there have been more than 121,000 cases worldwide. At least 32 people have died in the U.S. Washington state has banned gatherings with more than 250 people. The World Health Organization announced Wednesday that the novel coronavirus has become a global pandemic. "WHO has been assessing this outbreak around the clock and we are deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction," Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the WHO, said during the a...

10 of the best snowboarding resorts - Worldwide

Whether it's the steeps, big jumps or good old fashioned deep powder that gets your blood pumping, our top 10 best snowboarding resorts have it all. How many can you tick off your list? 1. Snowbird, Utah, USA Go to the bird for loads of diverse and easily accessible terrain. Located in Little Cottonwood Canyon, Snowbird is great for both skiing and boarding and boasts over 4700 acres of skiable slopes. It also has the most vertical terrain in Utah so you can seriously charge the steeps. The snow at Snowbird is famed for its incredible lightness. Two years ago, the bird was blessed with more than two metres of light dry Utah powder, although, on average, annual snowfall is still an impressive 1,270cm. For the best fall-line riding, hit Mach Schnell off the Snowbird tram which has up to 45-degree steeps through open glades and bowls. Snowbird also offers a complimentary orientation tour of the mountain departing from the Plaza Deck every morning at 9.30am and 10.30am. ...