The Significance of the Native American Headdress

The Significance of the Native American Headdress

The Significance of the Native American Headdress
The headdress is a well-known symbol of strength and bravery in Native American culture. It is believed that the Sioux were of the first tribes to wear the feather headdress. They are typically made up of bird feathers indigenous to the geographic location of the tribe and are held together with leather or sinew.
Historically, headdresses have been worn by the most powerful and influential members among a tribe and were not typically made in one day. Often, either a tribe’s chief or the close friends of the brave warrior would have the honour of making the headdress. A single feather would be added for each instance that a chief, warrior, or other influential tribe member committed an act of bravery. In some tribes, this brave member would have to fast and meditate for several days after committing a brave act and before receiving an additional feather to display their loyalty. This process indicates the great significance of the headdress in Native American culture.
Those who wore a headdress were known as being admirable and received a great deal of respect from other tribe members.  To wear a headdress is a great honour among Native American people and it was once common for a headdress to be worn during battle.  During the present day, a Native American headdress is most commonly worn during weddings and ceremonies such as the Pow Wow.


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